Recommended Chiropractic® Mattress Range
Did you know that you spend about a third of your life sleeping? This means that your mattress is an essential part of your life and while you might think that it’s comfortable enough, it probably isn’t giving you enough spinal support.
However, this is exactly what your body needs after a long day. Whether you’ve been sitting, standing or walking for most of the day, bedtime is when your body needs to recharge and reset. This is especially important for your spine. It needs a bed that provides sufficient back support so that your body can recover from the strain that it has been placed under throughout the day. Wouldn’t it be great to have a chiropractor-endorsed bed to come home to every night?
This is where our Springwall® chiropractic® mattress range comes in. Our partnership with Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) provides inputs from the top Chiropractors in the industry. As one of the largest chiropractic® health body in the world, the CMCC provides us with invaluable advice on how our customers could use improve our Springwall® chiropractic® mattresses experience as a way to improve overall health the quality of life. Each of our mattresses goes through comprehensive research and development processes, facilitated by our research team. They have a team of international experts who assist SlumberCorp’s engineers with a better “understanding and development of chiropractic® care”.
Have a look at some of the ranges available in this collection and the benefits that you can expect to experience.